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In the fight against COVID-19, vaccines have been our strongest ally, saving countless lives across Ireland and the world. While the vast majority of vaccinations are administered safely, resulting in minimal side effects, there are instances where things go wrong due to negligence, leading to severe complications for the recipient. At Berwick Solicitors, we specialise in representing individuals who have suffered due to vaccination negligence, providing expert legal advice and support through these complex cases.

Understanding Vaccination Negligence

Vaccination negligence can occur when a healthcare professional fails to administer a vaccine correctly, potentially leading to serious injuries. One such injury is Shoulder Injury Related to Vaccine Administration (SIRVA), which occurs when a vaccine is improperly injected into the shoulder area, causing significant pain, reduced mobility and other complications.

The Severity of Vaccination Side Effects

While COVID vaccines are generally safe, serious side effects can include allergic reactions, myocarditis and pericarditis. However, cases like SIRVA, while rare, remind us of the importance of proper vaccine administration techniques.

How Do I Prove I Have SIRVA?

Proving you have SIRVA involves documenting your symptoms, obtaining medical evaluations to confirm the injury is related to vaccine administration and demonstrating that the injection was performed negligently.

Covax Compensation Program

The Covax compensation program is designed to offer support and compensation to individuals who suffer serious side effects as a result of receiving COVID-19 vaccines. This global initiative acknowledges the risks involved in rapid vaccine deployment and provides a financial safety net for affected individuals.

The Impact of Vaccination Negligence

What Are the Negatives of Getting the Vaccine?

While vaccination is a crucial tool in controlling the pandemic, negligence during administration can lead to conditions such as SIRVA, causing significant pain, decreased range of motion and potentially long-term disability. These incidents highlight the need for careful administration practices.

Legal Support for Vaccination Negligence Victims

If you’ve suffered as a result of vaccination negligence, Berwick Solicitors can guide you through the process of bringing a claim against the responsible parties. Our team has extensive experience in medical negligence cases and is committed to ensuring you receive the compensation and support you deserve.

Common Questions About Vaccination Negligence Claims

Which Vaccines Can Cause SIRVA?

SIRVA can be caused by any vaccine if administered improperly into the shoulder area. This includes, but is not limited to, the influenza, tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis, hepatitis and COVID-19 vaccines.

Scenarios Where a SIRVA Compensation Claim May Be Unsuccessful

Claims may be unsuccessful if there’s insufficient evidence of improper administration or if the injury cannot be directly linked to the vaccination. A thorough legal and medical evaluation is crucial to understanding the viability of your claim.

How Can a Solicitor Help?

A solicitor from Berwick can help by ensuring your case is presented effectively, assisting in gathering medical evidence and navigating the legal challenges involved in vaccine injury compensation claims. Our expertise increases your chances of a successful outcome.

Why Berwick?

At Berwick Solicitors, we understand the impact of vaccination negligence on individuals and their families. We are dedicated to providing expert legal advice, support and representation to those affected by such incidents. Our team is committed to achieving justice and compensation for our clients, helping them to move forward after their ordeal.

If you or a loved one has experienced adverse effects following vaccination due to negligence, contact Berwick Solicitors today for a consultation. Let our experienced team guide you through the legal process, ensuring you receive the recognition and compensation you deserve for your suffering.

Medical Negligence Solicitors

For expert guidance and comprehensive support on handling medical negligence claims in Ireland, refer to our medical negligence solicitors page. Our dedicated team, with extensive experience across a wide range of medical negligence cases, is committed to delivering the justice and compensation you are entitled to. We provide detailed information and resources to assist you through this challenging process, ensuring you have the representation you need.


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Berwick Solicitors | Your medical negligence specialists.